Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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I was probably around 80% asleep already when there came an incessant knocking upon my chamber door. I got up and opened the door and there was a little girl just outside the door who promptly demanded that I turn on the lights because she couldn’t see anything. As soon as I did so she handed me a Batman toy without explanation and skipped merrily back to the room from whence she came with not a care in the world. …now I can’t sleep =/

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She's probably sleepwalking.
That's Jasmine at around 1:30am. She just wanted to return the batman toy she got from Roy's table earlier. haha!
Why do you have a "chamber door?" Are you running congress or something? I'm joking. She's probably going to haunt you later.