Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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It’s uncanny how stuff I search for on Amazon appears as Facebook ads so quickly

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Maybe an AI has already emerged, and is already manipulating all the big companies algos, preparing for the future in which the humans are dead. I'd tell you the specifics, but then I might be vanished. Also, I may stick it into a short story or something sometime =P
Isn't it obvious that they're "in bed" about these things?
I know how it works, I'm just amused that they're showing me an ad for something I literally browsed for a few hours ago. It's something that would only trap impulse buyers; it might be more useful if they showed it to me again in a few weeks/months to remind me about it.
I'm never going to impulse buy on Amazon anyway due to delivery costs; David Ramirez , do you have a US address I can have stuff shipped to, then pakiuwi na lang when you go there? Lol
Uh… well… I impulse buy books on Kindle. Maybe I'm the target demographic? :D
Lol well I guess I'm vulnerable for digital goods though. But if i had just browsed Amazon and seen the price already and NOT bought the item, I'm not suddenly going to buy it if it appears on Facebook soon fater
Yeah, but I won't be going there until next year! We can time it for then, Amazon delivers quickly (unless you're ordering from some company Amazon is currently strong-arming, ahem hachette ahem).
It's like a salesperson following you around after you've just left the store.
I just noticed this recently. Amazing and creepy.