Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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With the ridiculous traffic and the unpredictable weather, I don’t know anymore whether I should be going out early or late

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Well, it's kind of lame, but you could rent an apartment close to your workplace that you share with other coworkers through working days, then just go home for weekends/ holidays. If you have enough pull, you could propose to make it a company expense for the use of employees who sign up =)
It's a viable solution. You save money by splitting the rent and your lifeforce doesn't get sucked away by this thing called traffic.
Having to travel 15min to my workplace compared to 2 hrs makes me a less stressed, more efficient and productive company peon. :)
But…I like living at home lol
Well if you have enough pull, just have your company move near your home lol
How about a Work-From-Home option? Best of both worlds.