Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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#mtgktk prerelease

[04:55pm] Went for a second #mtgktk prerel, chose sultai, went mardu. Yes, that’s surrak

#mtgktk prerelease
[04:55pm] Went for a second #mtgktk prerel, chose sultai, went mardu. Yes, that’s surrak
#mtgktk prerelease
[04:55pm] Went for a second #mtgktk prerel, chose sultai, went mardu. Yes, that’s surrak


@roytang on my way to the prerel. Any advice?
@aleksfelipe also, the set has a higher limited power level overall, focus on the colors that give you better mana! You too @switchfollows
@roytang @aleksfelipe Helped that she opened three mythics in UR (skipping on Narset for Surrak) and I opened two mythics in B. pics@plurk
@roytang dun naman ako usually nag-pho-photo dump, lol. nakapag-midnight prerel ako, went abzan, at 2pm I went Temur, @elf_follows Mardu
@switchfollows permalink pls. dont wanna dig through the posts lol
@roytang pag nagpost na ako. pics to follow. we opened 27 packs, three were seeded.
@switchfollows ah wala pa pala kaya nde ko mahanap lol. what’s your fetch rate? I got 2 out of 18
@switchfollows and are you going again today? :p
@roytang 1 of 27 :/ may guy kagabi 4 of 9
@roytang @aleksfelipe Guy with Anafenza and three Abzan Ascendancies agrees
@switchfollows @roytang yeah was going for Absan but by the time our flight started, no more Absan and Mardu packs. Went with Temur instead.
@switchfollows @roytang Prereleases in the LGS here is challenging.. went 2-2 with no prizes. 2-1-1 gives out 4 packs, 4-0 nets you 16. =(
@aleksfelipe @switchfollows mas gusto ko siguro yan lol. Pero it’s worse for casuals
@roytang how did you do in the 2 prerels?Had a hard time building my pool,lots of mono colored removal but creatures are all over the place.
@aleksfelipe 3-1 both times. Splashing is a trap. Go where mana is good
@roytang learned that the hard way. curious how you value Fight spells.. I could have used a couple instead of Throttles. @switchfollows
@aleksfelipe savage punch is strong if you have ferocity, the creature can attack after fighting
@roytang @aleksfelipe Usual combo: T4 Reach/outlast 3/3 in green. T5: outlast, punch!