Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Civil War in the 1980s:

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I like these except for Emilio Estevez as Cap. He's not physically imposing enough, and he kinda doesn't have the right kind of charisma.
Am I the only one who used to get Emilio Estavez and Charlie Sheen mixed up?
Wow, Ant-man is an obvious default choice. ^^
I always used to get Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck mixed up. Also, I didn't know that Sonny Bono and U2's Bono were different people until college.
Same! Yey, I'm not alone! (Except I found out the Bono thing in early high school). I also keep mixing up Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and a third guy I can't recall right now because