Survey: what does your bookshelf look like? Posted by Roy Tang under notes at 11 Mar 2018 10:09pm #survey Also on: facebook / 9 Comments Morris Tan 2018-03-11 00:00:00 What bookshelf? They're all over the place. Cats Calunsod 2018-03-11 00:00:01 The floorshelf? The under the bed shelf? The near the bed slash tower side table? Jvee Veneracion 2018-03-11 00:00:02 Dungeons and dragons, Sandman, Discworld Brian Jefferson Tan 2018-03-11 00:00:03 AGoT, ASoS, AFoC, a Warcraft trilogy and assorted random things. Jaime L. Garcia 2018-03-11 00:00:04 3 slots boardgames, 1 slot Dresden Files, 1 slot game guides, 2 slots (probably obsolete) text books on Computer Science and Business, 1 slot Harry Potter saga, 1 slot assorted scifi, 1 slot assorted fact books that aren't encyclopedias, 1 slot video-game-rela ted stories (Halo, Starcraft, Warcraft), random nerf guns, and misc. trinkets dispersed across the shelving. Joy Reyes-Madamba 2018-03-12 00:00:05 Shelf/floor in bedroom: Riordan, Pierce, Berry, Sanderson, Clare, Fables, Lackey, Chima, and romance books. Ayoko na isulat yung shelves sa living room haha π Arthur Abon 2018-03-12 00:00:06 Neil Gaiman, David Ramirez, some folk tales, programming books, OS books, lots of bedtime story books and a bunch of Disney beginning reader books. Maui Listana 2018-03-12 00:00:07 The tidier ones :P Joy Reyes-Madamba 2018-03-12 00:03:20 I so relate to this haha π If you enjoyed my content for some reason, I'd love to hear from you! Here are some options: You can buy me a coffee! You can write a reply on your own site and submit the URL as a webmention via the form below. Submit Or you can just contact me! Previous Next
The tidier ones :P