Sometimes in my head, I like to give the president the benefit of the doubt, that maybe he isn’t aware of killings being perpetrated in his name or that he has no idea his policies lead to such violence or maybe subordinates are doing it without his knowledge or maybe it’s just rogue cops or whatever. I can’t read his mind, so I understand there’s a whole spectrum of possibilities as to what the truth is. Then he opens his mouth to speak and it is easy to see which end of that spectrum is far more likely.
Screw justice
Times when I just want to rage quit on our government.
Times when you want to scream at the people who are still silent and not getting angry about this. 😑
How about the social cost of the orphaned children? The emotional trauma of those who saw their parent(s) gunned down in cold blood? Or do they not count because mahirap lang sila?
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