Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Reply to mlq3's tweet:

@mlq3 @enjoyGLOBE There is a bandwidth cap depending on your plan (mine is 600gb at P999 i think), speeds get throttled if you go past. There’s also options to buy small data boosts, I used one the one time I exceeded the limit

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@roytang @enjoyGLOBE So you have to go and wait in an enternal line at some @enjoyGLOBE center and ask them and then pay more to fix it?
@mlq3 @enjoyGLOBE no, there’s a mobile app, I bought the data boost through there when I realized I had ran out. When I hit the limit I initially thought it was a network problem, only realized I had hit the limit by checking the app
@mlq3 @enjoyGLOBE ah also, there are plans that are unli data, but are more expensive for the same speed (I opted to get the cheaper one and live with the cap.)