Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Covid19 thoughts and updates:

  • one week into ECQ. I went out for a walk outside the subdivision last Thursday, just to see what it was like. First time walking outside since I did a meds run for the folks in April. What I saw: lots of people and cars already in the streets, just like it was pre-virus. Of course this time, around 95% of people are masked. (Maybe 1 in 10 weren’t wearing their masks correctly though.). I went into the nearby Jollibee to see what it was like. Not as many people inside, and the guard took my temp told me to stand aside before later motioning me to get into a particular queue. The queues are spaced (should have taken pictures), and there’s tables in front of the cashiers to keep you from getting too close. Anyway, I think I’ll still keep my walks limited to my subdivision; much too many people outside for my comfort.
  • Watched mass via Facebook again today.
  • As of last night, we are at 21340 cases (+714 from the day before, +7563 (!!!) from last week), 994 deaths (+7 from the day before, +131 (!!) from last week), 4441 recoveries (+111 from the day before, +1264 last week). “Last week” numbers slightly lower because it’s only been 6 days since the last report. Basically an explosion in confirmed cases; over 50% jump from last week. Large jumps in deaths and recoveries too, thought not as alarmingly large as the cases. Regardless of the DoH’s “tardy” / “fresh” massaging of the data, it looks bad, and the explosion in cases kind of aligns with the last days of the ECQ. I expect another spike in another two weeks. Reference.
  • Worldwide, we are almost at 7 million cases and 400,000 deaths. Caveat: these numbers are from Worldometer. The protests in the US and worldwide might speed up these numbers in a week or so, though hopefully the virus doesn’t spread as easily in open air. (And at least many of the protesters this time are masked, as compared to the the ones protesting before about not being able to get haircuts).