Someone on quora asked:
Is there a better way to get better at handling rejection than keep being rejected?
In general, the best answer to “how can I get better at X” is to keep practicing X until you get better.
That being said, there are some ways to make it easier to deal with rejection. Most of it has to do with improving your state of mind.
What does that mean? It doesn’t mean conditioning yourself to expect rejection (that would be a self-fulfilling prophecy right there!) but rather to detach your ego from the attempts you make.
The reason rejection can be so difficult to handle is that it’s a huge ego hit, it makes you feel bad about yourself, as if there’s something wrong with you that’s why you got rejected. And that’s nonsense.
People get rejected all the time. Good people, bad people. Handsome people, ugly people. Rich people, poor people. A rejection isn’t a reflection of something wrong with you as a person, it’s a reflection of something wrong with the relationship you were trying to form. And that’s the nature of the world - not all persons are meant to have relationships together! This can apply to romantic relationships, business relationships, friendships, etc. Once you accept this truth, it becomes a lot easier to handle rejection.