Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Say I have the following HTML:

        #container {
            border: 1px red solid;
        .floaty {
            width: 200px;
            float: left;
            border: 1px green solid;
<div id='container'>
    Text inside the container
    <div class='floaty'>
    Floaty block 1<br/>
    Floaty block 1<br/>
    Floaty block 1<br/>
    <div class='floaty'>
    Floaty block 2<br/>
    Floaty block 2<br/>
    Floaty block 2<br/>
    <div class='floaty'>
    Floaty block 3<br/>
    Floaty block 3<br/>
    Floaty block 3<br/>

This renders as: floaty divs

What’s the proper CSS way to have the container (red-bordered box) completely surround the floaty green-bordered boxes?


add overflow: auto to the container or apply a clearfix.

Add an overflow: auto to the container, like this:

#container {
     border: 1px red solid;
     overflow: auto;

You can test the effect here, and find a very good description of how it works here.

Updated it. Thanks!