Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Feb 2018

Dec 2017

  • I have a query using MarkLogic node.js that basically boils down to something like this:

    .on('data', function(row) {
        console.log("Stream on data");
    .on('end', function() {
        console.log("Stream on end");
    .on('error', function(error) {

    Now, for a certain collection we have in our database, the ‘end’ function doesn’t fire, i.e. I never see “Stream on end” appear in the log. There’s no error or anything, processing just stops. It’s only for this particular collection, other collections seem fine.

    If I query documents in that collection directly using other methods such as qb.value() without using qb.collection(), the end event fires correctly. But once I add qb.collection() into the mix (using qb.and), the end event doesn’t fire.

    I’m unsure how to debug this, as this is my first time trying to use streams in the nodejs client library. Any advice as to what I can check?


  • How to specify that a column in the schema should be nullable?

    I tried adding a nullable attribute:

    var myFirstTDE = xdmp.toJSON(
        "template": {
          "context": "/match",
          "collections": ["source1"],
          "rows": [
              "schemaName": "soccer",
              "viewName": "matches",
              "columns": [
                  "name": "id",
                  "scalarType": "long",
                  "val": "id",
                  "nullable": 0
                  "name": "document",
                  "scalarType": "string",
                  "val": "docUri"
                  "name": "date",
                  "scalarType": "date",
                  "val": "match-date"
                  "name": "league",
                  "scalarType": "string",
                  "val": "league"

    But this gave me a template error:

    "message": "TDE-INVALIDTEMPLATENODE: Invalid extraction template node: fn:doc('')/template/array-node('rows')/object-node()/array-node('columns')/object-node()[1]/number-node('nullable')"

    For a template defined using XQuery, adding nullable to the column works:


    How to do the same thing using JS/Json?

Nov 2017

  • This is a follow-up to my question here:

    So let’s say I have a number of documents structured like this:

             content: {
               name:'Joe Parent',
               children: [
                   name: 'Bob Child'
                   name: 'Sue Child'
                   name: 'Guy Child'
           {permissions : xdmp.defaultPermissions(),
            collections : ['test']})

    I want to define a template that would extract triples from these documents defining sibling relationships between the children. For the above example, I would want to extract the following triples (the relationship is two-way):

    Bob Child sibling-of Sue Child
    Bob Child sibling-of Guy Child
    Sue Child sibling-of Bob Child
    Sue Child sibling-of Guy Child
    Guy Child sibling-of Bob Child
    Guy Child sibling-of Sue Child

    How can i set up my template to accomplish this?


  • I’ve been studying the examples here:

    I have a set of documents that are structured with a parent name and an array of children nodes with their own names. I want to create a template that generates triples of the form “name1 is-a-parent-of name2”. Here’s a test I tried, with a sample of the document structure:

             content: {
               name:'Joe Parent',
               children: [
                   name: 'Bob Child'
                   name: 'Sue Child'
           {permissions : xdmp.defaultPermissions(),
            collections : ['test']})
    var tde = require("/MarkLogic/tde.xqy");
    // Load the user template for user profile rows
    var template = xdmp.toJSON(
        "collections": [
            "subject": {
              "val": "xs:string(name)"
            "predicate": {
              "val": "sem:iri('is-parent-of')"
            "object": {
              "val": "xs:string(children/name)"
    tde.templateInsert("/templates/test.tde", template);
      [cts.doc( '/test/tde.json' )]

    However, the above throws an Exception:

    [javascript] TDE-EVALFAILED: tde.nodeDataExtract([cts.doc("/test/tde.json”)]) – Eval for Object='xs:string(children/name)’ returns TDE-BADVALEXPRESSION: Invalid val expression: XDMP-CAST: (err:FORG0001) Invalid cast: (fn:doc("/test/tde.json”)/content/array-node(“children”)/object-node()[1]/text(“name”), fn:doc("/test/tde.json”)/content/array-node(“children”)/object-node()[2]/text(“name”)) cast as xs:string?

    What is the proper syntax for extracting array nodes into a triple?

    2nd somewhat related question: say I also wanted to have triples of the form “child1 is-sibling-of child2”. For the example above it would be “Bob Child is-sibling-of Sue Child”. What would be the proper syntax for this? I’m not even sure how to begin with this one.

    Is TDE even the way to go here? Or is it better to do this programmatically? i.e. on document ingestion, generate those triples inside the document directly?

    (If it’s relevant, the ML version being used is 9.)

  • I’ve been testing migrating one of our systems to Marklogic 9 and using the Optics API.

    One of our functions involves grouping claims by member_id, member_name and getting the sums and counts, so I did something like this:

    var results = op.fromView('test', 'claims')
      .groupBy(['member_id', 'member_name'], [
             op.count('num_claims', 'claim_no'),
             op.sum('total_amount', 'claim_amount')

    Above works fine. The results are of the form

        member_id: 1, 
        member_name: 'Bob', 
        num_claims: 10, 
        total_amount: 500

    However, we also have a field “company”, where each claim is filed under a different company. Basically the relevant view columns are claim_no, member_id, member_name, company, claim_amount

    I would like to be able to show a column that list the different companies for which the member_id/member_name has filed claims, and how many claims for each company.

    i.e. I want my results to be something like:

        member_id: 1, 
        member_name: 'Bob', 
        num_claims: 10, 
        total_amount: 500,
        companies: [
            company: 'Ajax Co',
            num_claims: 8
            company: 'Side Gig',
            num_claims: 2

    I tried something like this:

    results =, index, array) => {
      var companies = op.fromView('test', 'claims')
        .where(op.eq(op.col('member_id'), member.member_id))
        .groupBy('company', [
          op.count('num_claims', 'claim_no')      
      member.companies = companies;
      return member;

    And the output seems correct, but it also executes quite slowly - almost a minute (total number of claim documents is around 120k)

    In our previous ML8 implementation, we were pre-generating summary documents for each member - so retrieval was reasonably fast with the downside that whenever we got a bunch of new data, all of the summary documents had to be re-generated. I was hoping that ML9’s optic API would make it easier to do the retrieval/grouping/aggregates on the fly so we wouldn’t have to do that.

    In theory, I could just add company to the groupBy fields, then merge the rows in the result query as needed. But the problem with that approach is that I can’t guarantee I’ll get the top 200 by total amount (as was my original query)

    So, the question is: Is there a better way of doing this with a reasonable execution time? Or should I just stick to pre-generating the summary documents?

  • I have a Marklogic 9 project that I’m configuring with Roxy. I’ve been following these examples:

    Basically, I have a server-side JS function that I want to call after deploy content. I have something like this:

    then you would define your new method

      def deploy_content
        # you can optionally call the original
        # do your stuff here
          xquery version "1.0-ml";
          xdmp:javascript-eval('var process = require("/ingestion/process.sjs"); process.postDeployContent();')
        :db_name => @properties[""] + "-content")

    The xquery being called here evaluates fine when executed via query console. But when I call ml local deploy content, I get the following error:

    ERROR: 500 "Internal Server Error"
    ERROR: <html xmlns="">
        <title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
        <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/error.css"/>
        <span class="error">
          <h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>
            <dt>XDMP-MODNOTFOUND: var process = require("/ingestion/process.sjs"); process.postDeployContent(); -- Module /ingestion/process.sjs not found</dt>
            <dt>in [anonymous], at 1:14 [javascript]</dt>
            <dt>at 3:6,
    in xdmp:eval("var process = require(&amp;quot;/ingestion/process.sjs&amp;quot;); proce...") [javascript]</dt>
            <dt>in /eval, at 3:6 [1.0-ml]</dt>

    Why is the module not found when running via xquery from app_specific.rb?

    Or… is there a better way to call a JS module function from here. Sorry, I’m not too familiar with the xquery side, so I just called a JS function instead.

  • Basically the title. The client is complaining that when he zooms in, the text labels for the nodes are quite large. Is there a way to keep the node labels at a fixed font size even when zooming in or out?

    From the nodes documentation (, there’s a scaling.label option, but it doesn’t seem to work. I think this is only relevant if I’m using values to scale the nodes.

Oct 2017

  • I’m trying out the Roxy deployer. The Roxy app was created using the default app-type. I setup a new ML 9 database, and I ran “ml local bootstrap” using the default ports (8040 and 8041)

    Then I setup a node application. I tried the following (sample code from

    var marklogic = require('marklogic');
    var conn = {
        host: '',  
        port: 8040,
        user: 'admin',
        password: 'admin',
        authType: 'DIGEST'
    var db = marklogic.createDatabaseClient(conn);
      {author: 'Beryl Markham'},
      {author: 'WG Sebald'}
    .result(function(response) {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
      }, function (error) {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));

    Running the script gave me an error like:

    $ node test.js
      "message": "write document list: cannot process response with 500 status",
      "statusCode": 500,
      "body": "<error:error xsi:schemaLocation=\" error.xsd\" xmlns:error=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">\n  <error:code>XDMP-IMPMODNS</error:code>\n  <error:name>err:XQST0059</error:name>\n  <error:xquery-version>1.0-ml</error:xquery-version>\n  <error:message>Import module namespace mismatch</error:message>\n  <error:format-string>XDMP-IMPMODNS: (err:XQST0059) Import module namespace does not match target namespace of imported module /MarkLogic/rest-api/endpoints/config.xqy</error:format-string>\n  <error:retryable>false</error:retryable>\n  <error:expr/>\n  <error:data>\n    <error:datum></error:datum>\n    <error:datum></error:datum>\n    <error:datum>/MarkLogic/rest-api/endpoints/config.xqy</error:datum>\n  </error:data>\n  <error:stack>\n    <error:frame>\n      <error:uri>/roxy/lib/rewriter-lib.xqy</error:uri>\n      <error:line>5</error:line>\n      <error:column>0</error:column>\n      <error:xquery-version>1.0-ml</error:xquery-version>\n    </error:frame>\n  </error:stack>\n</error:error>\n"

    If I change the port to 8000 (the default appserver that inserts into Documents), the node function executes correctly as expected. I’m not sure if I need to configure anything else with the Roxy-created appserver so that it works with the node.js application.

    I’m not sure where the “DELETE_IF_UNUSED” part in the error message is coming from either. There doesn’t seem to be any such text in the configuration files generated by Roxy.

    Edit: When accessing via the browser, I get a an xml with a similar error:

    <error:error xsi:schemaLocation=" error.xsd" xmlns:error="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <error:message>Import module namespace mismatch</error:message>
      <error:format-string>XDMP-IMPMODNS: (err:XQST0059) Import module namespace does not match target namespace of imported module /MarkLogic/rest-api/endpoints/config.xqy</error:format-string>

    If it matters, MarkLogic version is 9.0-3.1. It’s a fresh install too.

    Any advice?

  • I’m trying to migrate one of my dev envts from ML8 to ML9. I have an import script that successfully works on the ML8 version, but there’s an error when I try running it against the ML9 database. The ML9 version is The MLCP version is 9.0.3

    My MLCP options file is as follows:


    Here’s the output of a test run with only 2 records in the test CSV file:

    17/10/30 14:07:33 INFO contentpump.LocalJobRunner: Content type: JSON
    17/10/30 14:07:33 INFO contentpump.ContentPump: Job name: local_455168344_1
    17/10/30 14:07:33 INFO contentpump.FileAndDirectoryInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1
    17/10/30 14:07:38 WARN contentpump.TransformWriter: Failed document /test/records/31.json
    17/10/30 14:07:38 WARN contentpump.TransformWriter: <error:format-string xmlns:error="" xmlns:xsi="">XDMP-UNEXPECTED: (err:XPST0003) Unexpected token syntax error, unexpected QName_, expecting $end or SemiColon_</error:format-string>
    17/10/30 14:07:38 WARN contentpump.TransformWriter: Failed document /test/records/32.json
    17/10/30 14:07:38 WARN contentpump.TransformWriter: <error:format-string xmlns:error="" xmlns:xsi="">XDMP-UNEXPECTED: (err:XPST0003) Unexpected token syntax error, unexpected QName_, expecting $end or SemiColon_</error:format-string>
    17/10/30 14:07:38 INFO contentpump.LocalJobRunner:  completed 100%
    17/10/30 14:07:38 INFO contentpump.LocalJobRunner: com.marklogic.mapreduce.MarkLogicCounter:
    17/10/30 14:07:38 INFO contentpump.LocalJobRunner: INPUT_RECORDS: 2
    17/10/30 14:07:38 INFO contentpump.LocalJobRunner: OUTPUT_RECORDS: 2
    17/10/30 14:07:38 INFO contentpump.LocalJobRunner: OUTPUT_RECORDS_COMMITTED: 0
    17/10/30 14:07:38 INFO contentpump.LocalJobRunner: OUTPUT_RECORDS_FAILED: 2
    17/10/30 14:07:38 INFO contentpump.LocalJobRunner: Total execution time: 5 sec

    If I remove the transform params, the import works fine.

    I thought it might be a parsing issue with my transform module itself, so I tried replacing it with the following example from the documentation:

    // Add a property named "NEWPROP" to any JSON input document.
    // Otherwise, input passes through unchanged.
    function addProp(content, context)
      const propVal = (context.transform_param == undefined)
                     ? "UNDEFINED" : context.transform_param;
      if (xdmp.nodeKind(content.value) == 'document' &&
          content.value.documentFormat == 'JSON') {
        // Convert input to mutable object and add new property
        const newDoc = content.value.toObject();
        newDoc.NEWPROP = propVal;
        // Convert result back into a document
        content.value = xdmp.unquote(xdmp.quote(newDoc));
      return content;
    exports.addProp = addProp;

    (Of course I changed the params in the MLCP options file accordingly)

    The issue still persists even with just this test function.

    Any advice?

  • I’ve been testing out the WebView component, but I can’t seem to get it to render things.

    Sample here:

    export default class App extends Component {
      render() {
        return (
          <View style={styles.container}>
            <Text style={styles.paragraph}>
              Change code in the editor and watch it change on your phone!
              Save to get a shareable url. You get a new url each time you save.
            <WebView source={{html: '<p>Here I am</p>'}} />        
            <WebView source={{ uri: ''}} />

    When running the above example in Expo, neither of the two WebView components seem to render. What am I doing wrong?

  • I’m trying out vis.js for generating graph visualization. For every edge in my graph, I have a number that describes the strength of the connection between two nodes. I’d like to render the vis.js graph such that the nodes that have stronger relationships (higher edge values) are closer together (edge length is shorter).

    I’ve set the relationship strength (an integer) as the “value” attribute for each edge, but this only seems to make the edge lines slightly thicker for higher values.

    What options should I be looking at? I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a function of vis’s physics-based stabilization.

    Thanks for advice!

Sep 2017

  • I have an HTML page with around 10 charts generated by chart.js (so these are canvas elements). I want to be able to export the page content into a PDF file.

    I’ve tried using jsPDF’s .fromHTML function, but it doesn’t seem to support exporting the canvas contents. (Either that or I’m doing it wrong). I just did something like:

        $(".test").click(function() {
      var doc = new jsPDF()

    Any alternative approaches would be appreciated.

  • I’m using ML8. I have a bunch of json documents in the database. Some documents have a certain property “summaryData”, something like:

    ...(other stuff)...
      summaryData: {
        count: 100,
        total: 10000,
        summaryDate: (date value)

    However, not all documents have this property. I’d like to construct an SJS query to retrieve those documents that don’t have this property defined. If it was SQL, I guess the equivalent would be something like “WHERE summaryData IS NULL”

    I wasn’t sure what to search for in the docs. Any advise would be helpful.

  • I’m using ML8 and Node.js. The documentation here: describes how to do conditional updates in ML using the versionId field.

    But for example if I want to do a conditional update on a different field, is it possible?

    My scenario is: I have JSON documents with elements assignedTo and assignDate (where assignDate is set to current date every time a new value is set to assignedTo)

    Now, for my “Assign” operation, I would like to make sure that no one else has changed the assignedTo/assignDate fields between the time I read the document and when I perform the update. I don’t care if other fields in the same document have been updated or not - if other fields have been updated, I can still proceed with the Assign operation (hence I cannot use the versionId approach, since that covers the whole document)

    How can this be done?

Aug 2017

  • Sorry if the title is unclear, but I’m finding my problem hard to explain concisely. I have a number of JSON documents with structure like this:

      "count": 100,
      "groups": [
        "name": "group A",
        "count": 12
        "name": "group B",
        "count": 22
        "name": "group C",
        "count": 7

    Basically, the document has an item count plus a breakdown of that count into smaller groups. So this record represents a collection of 100 items, of which 12 are from group A, 22 are from group B, 7 are from group C.

    Now, I have an element range index on “count” and a bunch of such documents. I’d like to be able to sort by any of the options:

    • sort by total count (descending or ascending)
    • sort by group A count (descending or ascending)
    • sort by group B count (descending or ascending)
    • sort by group C count (descending or ascending)

    I’ve tried

    .orderBy(qb.sort("count", "descending"))

    This seems to be sort by the total cost (the one in the document root), but I’m not sure if that’s always true or I need to specify something else to guarantee it always gets that particular one.

    For sorting by a specific group, I have no idea how to specify it.

    Any advice?

  • We’ve been trying to set up flexible replication in our system which uses a MarkLogic database. We followed the instructions from and have been able to set up flexible replication between two MarkLogic servers. We have verified that new documents created in the master are copied over to the replica. However, the master database currently has more than 47 million records that were there before we configured the replication. Once the replication process was triggered, we observed that the documents are being replicated to the replica very slowly. Roughly 20,000 documents were replicated within the first two hours. The rate is very slow, it would take months for the old records to be fully replicated.

    Our questions are:

    1. We are looking into increasing the hardware specs of the two servers, but aside from that would anyone have any advice or documentation as to how we could speed up the replication? I couldn’t find any existing documentation regarding this?

    2. Failing that, would it be possible to set up flexible replication without needing to replicate the initial data set? FYI, we also tried to clone the master database and use the clone as the replica. (We thought this might mean that the older records don’t have to be replicated.) However, in this case we encountered XDMP-NEWSTAMP and XDMP-EXTIME errors on the replica server, so we gave up on this approach. A sample of the errors encountered on the replica is below:

    2017-08-03 18:45:04.376 Notice: exp-rest-content-flexrep: XDMP-NEWSTAMP: Timestamp too new for forest exp-rest-content-001-1 (15017569242290900) 2017-08-03 18:45:04.376 Notice: exp-rest-content-flexrep: in /apply.xqy [1.0-ml] 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: XDMP-EXTIME: try { let $raw-module-name := module-path($action-to-execute/p:module) let $module-kind := module-kind($raw-module-name) let $module-name := if ($module-kind = “xquery” or $module-kind = “javascript”) then $raw-module-name else $cpfi:xslt-action return if ($module-name = “") then fn:error((), “CPF-ACTIONNOTFOUND”, “Default success”) else if ($module-kind = “javascript”) then (xdmp:trace(“CPF Action Invoke”, fn:string-join(($caller, xdmp:get-current-user(), $uri, $state-or-status, $raw-module-name), " “)), xdmp:invoke($module-name, (fn:QName("”,“uri”), $uri, xs:QName(“cpf:document-uri”), $uri, fn:QName("”,“transition”), $chosen-transition, options-var-js($action-to-execute)), $invoke-options)) else (xdmp:trace(“CPF Action Invoke”, fn:string-join(($caller, xdmp:get-current-user(), $uri, $state-or-status, $raw-module-name), " “)), xdmp:invoke($module-name, ($vars, xs:QName(“cpf:transition”), $chosen-transition, options-var($action-to-execute), if ($module-kind = “xslt”) then (xs:QName(“cpf:stylesheet-uri”), $raw-module-name) else ()), $invoke-options)) } catch ($e) { let $trace := let $context := fn:concat($caller, " “, $uri, " action failed”) return (cpf:log(fn:string-join(($context, $e/err:format-string), " “), “error”), cpf:log(($context, $e), “fine”)) let $failure-action := ($pipelines/p:failure-action)[1] let $raw-failure-module := module-path($failure-action/p:module) let $failure-kind := module-kind($raw-failure-module) let $failure-module := if ($failure-kind = “xquery” or $failure-kind = “javascript”) then $raw-failure-module else $cpfi:xslt-action return if ($failure-module = “") then fn:error((), “CPF-ACTIONNOTFOUND”, “Default failure action”) else xdmp:invoke($failure-module, ($vars, xs:QName(“cpf:transition”), $chosen-transition, options-var($failure-action), xs:QName(“cpf:exception”), $e, if ($failure-kind = “xslt”) then (xs:QName(“cpf:stylesheet-uri”), $raw-failure-module) else ()), $invoke-options) } – Time limit exceeded 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: in /MarkLogic/cpf/triggers/internal-cpf.xqy, at 213:4, 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: in execute-action(“on-state-enter”, “", “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, (xs:QName(“trgr:uri”), “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, xs:QName(“trgr:trigger”), …), different-transactiont…, (fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, …), fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[3]/p:default-action, fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[3]) [1.0-ml] 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $caller = “on-state-enter” 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer:
    $state-or-status = “" 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $uri = “/_smslogs/5849823.xml” 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $vars = (xs:QName(“trgr:uri”), “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, xs:QName(“trgr:trigger”), …) 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $invoke-options = different-transactiont… 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $pipelines = (fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, …) 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $action-to-execute = fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[3]/p:default-action 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $chosen-transition = fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[3] 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $e = <error:error xsi:schemaLocation=" error.xsd” xmlns:xsi="” xmlns:error="">error:codeXDMP-NEWSTAMP</error:code>error:name/<error:xquery…</error:error> 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: in /MarkLogic/cpf/triggers/internal-cpf.xqy, at 342:6, 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: in execute-transition(“on-state-enter”, “", “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, (xs:QName(“trgr:uri”), “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, xs:QName(“trgr:trigger”), …), <trgr:trigger xmlns:trgr="">trgr:trigger-id6551367241994447650</trgr:trigger-id><trgr:trig…</trgr:trigger>, (fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline, …), (fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[2], fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[3], fn:doc(“")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[1], …), <p:null-transition xmlns:p=""><p:state></p:state></p:null-transition>) [1.0-ml] 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $caller = cpf:state(“") 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $state-or-status = () 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $uri = (xs:QName(“trgr:uri”), “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, xs:QName(“trgr:trigger”), …) 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: in /MarkLogic/cpf/triggers/internal-cpf.xqy, at 358:3, 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: in int:execute-state-transition(“on-state-enter”, cpf:state(“"), “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, (xs:QName(“trgr:uri”), “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, xs:QName(“trgr:trigger”), …), <trgr:trigger xmlns:trgr="">trgr:trigger-id6551367241994447650</trgr:trigger-id><trgr:trig…</trgr:trigger>) [1.0-ml] 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $caller = cpf:state(“") 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $state = () 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $uri = (xs:QName(“trgr:uri”), “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, xs:QName(“trgr:trigger”), …) 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: in /MarkLogic/cpf/triggers/on-state-enter.xqy, at 41:6 [1.0-ml] 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $state = cpf:state(“") 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $trace = () 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: $vars = (xs:QName(“trgr:uri”), “/_smslogs/5849823.xml”, xs:QName(“trgr:trigger”), …) 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: TaskServer: XDMP-NEWSTAMP: Timestamp too new for forest exp-rest-content-001-1 (15017569242290900) 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: exp-rest-content-flexrep: XDMP-NEWSTAMP: Timestamp too new for forest exp-rest-content-001-1 (15017569242290900) 2017-08-03 18:45:04.379 Notice: exp-rest-content-flexrep: in /apply.xqy [1.0-ml]

  • We have a search application using MarkLogic node.js. We use parsedQuery like this:

                    qb.word('name', qb.bind('name')),
                    qb.word('birthdate', qb.bind('birthdate')),
                    qb.range('count', qb.datatype('float'), qb.bind('count'))

    The above currently supports search syntax like “count GT 50”, etc. We would like to support searching using a derived value such as age. That is, we want to support a search syntax like “age GT 10”, where the age value is not stored in the documents in the database but rather needs to be computed from the birthdate on the fly. We can’t store the age in the documents since the age changes depending on the current date.

    Is this possible and if so, how? If it matters, we are using ML8

Jul 2017

  • I’m using the demo of jsPlumb here:

    In this demo, there’s no way to move an existing connection to a different target node. Any idea how to do it?

    Some of the other examples have movable connections, but they also use specific endpoints on the nodes. I like this particular example where I can drag the connection endpoint to any point of the target node.

  • I’m trying out jsplumb. I have a copy of this demo:

    In this demo, when I drag one of the nodes outside of the canvas boundary, a scrollbar appears to indicate the canvas area has expanded. However, I still have to manually scroll the view to see the dragged node.

    I would like the view to automatically scroll when I drag a node beyond the edge. Same thing when dragging a new connector, I would like to automatically scroll the view - so I can choose to connect to a node currently outside the visible area. Any advice on how to do this?

    Secondary question: In the demo above the scrollbars appear as expected when I drag elements off the right or bottom of the canvas, but not when I drag them off the left edge or off the top edge. That is, if I drag a node upward off the canvas and drop it there, I no longer have any way of viewing that node or dragging it back down. Is there a way around this?

  • I have a number of documents from different sources. Many of them reference a company name, but may have stored the information slightly differently. The name is a field in the documents.

    I’d like to be able to detect variations on the same name, something like:

    • Ajax Company Incorporated
    • Ajax Co. Inc.
    • Ajax Company Inc.
    • Ajax Company
    • Ajax Company (formerly Ajax Unlimited)
    • etc

    Does MarkLogic have any facility to query documents that have “similar” name as above? I’m not sure if there’s a more technical term that I should be searching for. Preferably for either the node client API or server-side js.

Jun 2017

Dec 2016

  • I tried to insert the following test document:

            uri: "/test/doc1.json",
            contentType: "application/json",
            collections: "test",
            content: {
                name : "Peter",
                hobby: "Sleeping",
                other: "Some other info",
                "triple": {
                    "subject": {ย ย ย 
                        "datatype": "",ย ย 
                        "value": "Peter"ย ย ย 
                    },ย ย ย 
                    "predicate": {ย ย ย ย ย 
                        "datatype": "",ย ย 
                        "value": "livesin"ย ย ย 
                    },ย ย ย 
                    "object": {ย ย ย ย ย 
                        "datatype": "",ย ย 
                        "value": "Paris"ย ย ย 
            ย  	}
        console.log("Done loading");

    Then I queried as follows:

    var query = [
      'SELECT ?s ?p ?o' ,
      'WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }' ,
    db.graphs.sparql('application/sparql-results+json', query.join('\n')
    ).result(function (result) {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
    }, function(error) {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));

    The results showed me the values of the triple, but what if I also want to get the entire document where the triple was embedded? Is it also possible to filter by other fields in the document?

  • I inserted a test document using the Node.js API:

            uri: "/test/doc1.json",
            contentType: "application/json",
            collections: "test",
            content: {
                name : "Peter",
                "triple": {
                    "subject": {ย ย ย 
                        "datatype": "",ย ย 
                        "value": "Peter"ย ย ย 
                    },ย ย ย 
                    "predicate": {ย ย ย ย ย 
                        "datatype": "",ย ย 
                        "value": "livesin"ย ย ย 
                    },ย ย ย 
                    "object": {ย ย ย ย ย 
                        "datatype": "",ย ย 
                        "value": "Paris"ย ย ย 
            ย  	}
        console.log("Done loading");

    Then I tried querying it via SPARQL on the Marklogic console webapp:

    SELECT ?s ?p ?o
      WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }

    The query above works fine, it retrieves the test triple I inserted above

    However, if I want to filter by the literal value “Paris”, I tried the following:

    PREFIX loc: <>
    SELECT ?s ?p 
      WHERE { ?s ?p loc:Paris }

    But in this case I got zero results. Is this syntax incorrect? I was just following how the queries looked in

    What is the proper way to do it?

Nov 2016

  • I want to retrieve all documents in my MarkLogic db that have month=November and also group them by name, and get the count of records per name. I know I can get the frequency per name by using valuesBuilder with a range index on the name field, but how can I filter this result so that I only get the count of records for the month of November?

    Supposedly valuesBuilder.fromIndexes().where() can do the filtering, but I don’t know what to pass here and examples online seem to be sparse.

Sep 2015

  • I have installed an SSL certificate on my Apache server, but when I access the site via URL from a different machine, an HTTPS error is shown and viewing the certificate details says “this certificate has an invalid digital signature”

    If I view the same URL from within the server itself, the certificate is fine and there is no HTTPS error.

    I’m not sure what to look for in httpd.conf. Any advice?


Jun 2014

May 2014

Feb 2014

Nov 2013

  • I want to add focus and blur handlers to all CKEditor instances in our web application. I would like to add the handlers in one place, instead of hunting down every part where we instantiate a CKEditor. Can this be done, like maybe in the config.js editorConfig setup?

    I can’t do something like “on document ready, add handlers to all CKEditor instances on the page” either, since additional editor instances may be created dynamically.

Oct 2013

Jul 2013

Apr 2013

Mar 2013

Aug 2012

  • I’m being asked to assess whether we can safely upgrade the java version on one of our production-deployed webapps. The codebase is fairly large and we want to avoid having to regression test everything (no automated tests sadly), but we’ve already encountered at least one problem during some manual testing (XmlStringReader.getLocalName now throws an IllegalStateExeption when it just used to return null) and higher-ups are pretty nervous about the upgrade.

    The current suggested approach is to do a source compare of the JDK sources for each version and assess those changes to see which ones might have impact, but it seems there’s a lot of changes to go through (and as mentioned the codebase is kinda large). Is it safe and easier to just review the java version changes for each version? Or is there an easier way to conduct this assessment?

    Edit: I forgot to mention the version upgrade being considered is a minor version upgrade, i.e. 1.6.10 to 1.6.33

Jul 2012

  • Currently we have an Amazon EC2 instance and Oracle RDS in Europe. For performance reasons we also want to set up a server in Asia, but we need to be able to keep the contents of the database in sync across two sites. Apparently Amazon RDS doesnt support RAC, so I was wondering if there are other solutions to keep the two databases in sync in real-time?


  • I’m trying to write a servlet Filter that under certain conditions will read the HTML response returned by the JSP file and process it (using an XHTML parser) and make some modifications to it before finally returning it to the browser (basically I’m trying to implement a global change to avoid having to modify hundreds of JSPs individually)

    I’m using Tomcat. I started out by providing a wrapper for the HttpServletResponse and the ServletOutputStream before passing them back to the filter chain. However, I’m getting an “IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response.” It seems to happen whenever one of our taglibs tries to write using the writer returned by “this.pageContext.getOut()”, so I guess the response/writer/outputstream being used by Tomcat isn’t using the wrapper classes I passed via the filter.

    Any suggestions? Or is there a better way to accomplish what I’m trying to do?

Jan 2012

  • Given a JSF/EJB stack, how do I filter the contents of a dataTable listing automatically using the values of a field in a pojo/entity bean?

    i.e. I have an entity bean Employee with name field having a value of “John” I would like to use this bean to filter the data table to show only records with name John, and not having to construct the where clause manually?

  • I’m trying to get a sense of what are the most commonly-used Java web frameworks, with a focus on large, enterprisey projects. I’m interested in which one is most favored by companies/enterprises (which may not be the same as the one most favored by developers or the open source community I guess). I’d also like to be able to cite specific projects used by each framework, preferably big-ticket or well-known ones.

    Anyone have any idea about this stuff or can point me in the right direction?


Dec 2011