Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Anyone know of any guides for this? I’m a complete newbie to weblogic and to container-managed security. What I’ve done already is:

  1. setup an LDAP authenticator in Weblogic
  2. created a simple webapp in Eclipse
  3. Configure web.xml: Added security-constraint, security-role and login-config elements. The realm name used is “myrealm” which already exists in Weblogic. The role name I used is “Admin” which is a global role in Weblogic
  4. Create a simple jsp page “login.jsp”. It doesn’t actually do any logging in but just a Hello World type of thing. I set this page as form-login-page and form-error-page in login-config in web.xml
  5. Export this webapp to a war file and deploy it in Weblogic
  6. I test it by accessing http://weblogic-server/test/login.jsp, and I expect that I’ll be asked to login using an LDAP user first. This doesn’t happen, it just shows the Hello World jsp.

I’ve also tried adding a weblogic.xml to map the “Admin” role to a specific LDAP user (didn’t work).

Any advice? It seems there’s a lack of online references for this sort of thing (or I don’t really know what I should be searching for)

Edit: I’ve also tried using BASIC auth instead of FORM (no luck)

My web.xml settings are below:

<display-name>Test SC</display-name>
    <web-resource-name>Test WR</web-resource-name>




The login page must do some sort of logging in, with the 2 required fields. You have protect the hello_world.jsp page in the web.xml and go to that pages, the login page will be presented.

Edit: The order is incorrect: it should be security-constraint, login-config and security-role. Within the web-resource-collection the value of * is invalid for http-method. If you want to protect every method just leave it away.

Note: the server logging whould have hinted the incorrect order of elements in your web.xml.