Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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What if they didn’t bundle DLC separately and just straight-up sold the game for a higher price (and with a slightly later release date), would you prefer it? Or if the game was released with the same price but no additional DLC at all? Or the game is released with no DLC but six months later a new full version of the game is released with slightly more content that could have been released as DLC but instead you now have to buy a full game again?

Personally, I find that DLC is a good idea as it allows customers to pick and choose which content they want. I’m not going to bitch about it, I don’t have to buy the DLC if I don’t want to. In fact for longer games like RPGs I just wait for the GOTY to come out later.

Also, the phrase “cutting content out of the game” shows misunderstanding of how software development in general works. Like all other software development gigs, game development is largely constrained by schedules and real-world budget and resource constraints. And most of the time they’re going to fall short of those schedules and have to decide what features to cut so they can make it on time. Having the option of releasing them as DLC creates less pressure on the team and creates an opportunity for content that would otherwise have been cut or saved for a larger expansion disc to be made available. And please don’t take at face value the rantings that because 90% of a DLC’s content is already on the disc that it should have been included at release - you haven’t considered the other 90% yet.

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