Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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What’s up with revolving doors? Why are they used, what advantage do they give?

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Theoretically they allow for unimpeded simultaneous entry and exit. In terms of heating and airconditioning , they keep buildings from sudden air temperature shifts that accompany opening doors – especially when winds are strong and blow into open doors.
Nowadays the same thermal protection is offered by "airlocks" – two successive uni-directional automatic doors that never open at the same time.
I always think about this when I'm impatiently walking through the slowly revolving doors at shang
please use revolving doors
Revolving doors act as airlocks, preventing sudden gusts of warm (or cold) air from coming in (or going out). Though revolving doors can operate without power, air curtains are used more frequently, since it can accommodate people AND bigger stuff (e.g. shopping carts, baby strollers, cargo carts/hand trolleys).