Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Is it safe to just throw old billing/bank/credit card statements in the trash?

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Better run those things through the shredder just to be safe.
Step 1: Buy a shredder
A lot of people recommend shredding, but I'm not sure if it's just overblown modern-day paranoia (read: too lazy to figure out where to buy a shredder and go buy one)
You can cut it into pieces. And throw them separately from each other
Got our shredder from office warehouse. There's a portable one in Muji. Can't help with the laziness though.
Alternatively, dip the entire thing in water, mash it to a pulp, and throw it away.
I like jaime's answer best!
Before throwing em away, throw em on walls first! # angmature
If social engineering is not your concern, just thrown it away as is.
The problem is, those will have your name, address, and account numbers. They'll only be missing one or two details and they can mess with your stuff already. If they get your birthday or a couple of details off of something else, they can already call your credit card company and pretend to be you.
Then use your ol' reliable scissors (or bare hands) to shred billing statements. For credit cards, though, use only scissors.
Do it manually hahaha! Get a pair of scissors hahahaa
You really only have to cut out the name, address and account numbers. Then you can paste your name and address onto envelopes when you mail stuff. Just rip up the little strips of numbers =P
I'm not sure you guys understand, there's A LOT of them. I don't want to do manual things lol
Lol. The next time you guys have a barbecue, burn them all when you get the coals started.
pay someone to shred them? :P
Then you have plenty to throw on the wall! 😁 😁 😁
I've actually done the water thing before. I forget why, but I didn't want to do it again