Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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I want to buy dice (a bunch of d6es), where is a good place to buy?

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I saw some stores sell the really teeny-tiny d6es. If those are what you're after, your average hobby store like NG has some of them (in a container). I do not know the cost. If you're after a bulk purchase, try out your average toy store (toys r us, toy kingdom), and then look for the game set that sells you 6 white d6s and a plastic container to roll them with. I forget the game name, but it's something like a betting game where you attempt to select the number of pips that come up from 6 dice. Terrible game, but good source of "normal-sized" d6s for around 100 php.
They have chessex in fortress vmall