Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Posted on r/magicTCG: Can anyone recommend good storage options for around 15,000 cards?

The count is just an estimate. I currently have them stored in a around 25 booster boxes. Commons/uncommons separate from rares/mythics, each separately sorted alphabetically. While the alphabetical sorting makes looking for particular cards easier, it’s a bit cumbersome since the booster boxes are stacked on top of each other. I’m thinking of looking for some storage options like longboxes where the cards are arranged in rows and I can easily pull out the relevant row and quickly rifle through it. I’m not in the US or any country where I can easily order stuff off Amazon or whatever. I’d be willing to consider DIY options.

Any suggestions?

Posted by under notes at #magictcg
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