Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Someone on quora asked:

Why do I get so nervous at job interviews? I am a very shy person and this is affecting my professional life. Should I keep counseling?

The only way one becomes better at something is through practice. For overcoming shyness, that means practicing talking to other people, being comfortable talking to other people, etc. And practice means trying it as many times as possible until you start to get comfortable with it. You don’t have to stand in front of a group of people and talk (although that might help!), you can practice small things.

Get your friends to help you. Practice small talk with them. Hang out with mutual friends you don’t know and try small talk with them too.

You go to the grocery? Greet the cashier, ask her how her day is going. Having a burger at McDonald’s? Tell the order-taker she has a pretty name, ask how her job is.

It won’t be easy at first, try not to get frustrated. Keep at it, don’t give up. If people react strangely, just say something like “sorry, I’m trying to be better at conversations”, it might even lead to more conversation!

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