Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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If you feel that there is a candidate worthy of your support, go ahead and vote for him/her. I encourage you to do so. I’m not saying people should abstain, I’m saying people can. It’s a valid choice and every voter has the right to withhold his vote if he so chooses. There’s no need to downvote if you disagree

I understand that we would prefer high voter turnout so that the will of the people is more accurately reflected, but that doesn’t mean we should lower our standards and just vote anyone into power. If there were 5 Binays running for president, choosing one at random is the same as not voting.

Even choosing a “least evil” candidate is still a choice and can be spun into support. If you decide to vote for say, Mar Roxas because you consider him the least evil choice, if Mar Roxas wins with like 30% of the vote (unlikely at this point, but whatever), he’s going to be able to point to that and say, “this is my voter base, these people support me. If you are against me, you disenfranchise them”. You will be tacitly endorsing his incompetence and saying you’re fine with that, it’s acceptable for you. (Not dissing on Roxas in particular, I can make an example of any of the other candidates). If that’s not something you want to be part of, you shouldn’t be forced to.

Posted by under notes at #Philippines
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