Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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I think the face looks fine. For the hands, I would guess that it starts with not getting the wrist part right (where the hand joins the arms). I try to place the back of the hand first before adding the fingers, so that I know the fingers will end up in sensible positions. Take a picture of what your own hand would look like in the given pose then use it as reference.

For proportions, I think the sketch looks mostly ok, although the legs might be a bit too short. You can try using one of those figure drawing outline thingies (I forgot the term, there was a sketchdaily for them a while back), just google “figure drawing outline”, it acts like a guide to tell you what typical body proportions should be

I’m no expert or anything, but I hope I was helpful!

Posted by under notes at #sketchdaily
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