Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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I inserted a test document using the Node.js API:

        uri: "/test/doc1.json",
        contentType: "application/json",
        collections: "test",
        content: {
            name : "Peter",
            "triple": {
                "subject": {   
                    "datatype": "",  
                    "value": "Peter"   
                "predicate": {     
                    "datatype": "",  
                    "value": "livesin"   
                "object": {     
                    "datatype": "",  
                    "value": "Paris"   
    console.log("Done loading");

Then I tried querying it via SPARQL on the Marklogic console webapp:

SELECT ?s ?p ?o
  WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }

The query above works fine, it retrieves the test triple I inserted above

However, if I want to filter by the literal value “Paris”, I tried the following:

PREFIX loc: <>

SELECT ?s ?p 
  WHERE { ?s ?p loc:Paris }

But in this case I got zero results. Is this syntax incorrect? I was just following how the queries looked in

What is the proper way to do it?


You referred to this blog article:

Unfortunately it is not showing the best example. A better way of writing a triple would be something like:

    "triples": [{
        "triple": {
            "subject": "",
            "predicate": "",
            "object": ""

By using a value property inside subject, predicate and/or object, you tell MarkLogic to read it as a value, not as an iri. So, with your example you should either use:

SELECT ?s ?p 
  ?s ?p ?o.
  FILTER( STR(?o) = "Paris" ) 

Or change your JSON to:

       "triple": {
            "subject": "",   