1-0 at #gpsing. my pool is pretty sweet~
[11:40] 2-0 matches 4-1 games #gpsing #mtg
[12:31] 3-0 games, 6-1 matches. feels good to have a good gp start again #gpsing #mtg
[13:32] first loss 3-1 matches 6-3 games #gpsing #mtg
[14:55] 4-1 matches 8-4 games #gpsing #mtg
[15:49] 4-2 matches 8-6 games noooo #mtg #gpsing
[16:45] 4-3 matches 9-8 games no more losses to give )= #gpsing #mtg
[17:50] 4-4 matches 9-10 games Deadzzzz #gpsing #mtg at least i dont have to be eaely tmr