#momir #mtg Round1: I never played Sundering Titan before, I thought we were both choosing five lands to sacrifice! Doh, shoulda won!
[02:32] #momir #mtg Round2: Just won off opponent’s Phage!
[03:35] #momir #mtg Round3: Lost game 1 by pulling Sages of the Anima, game 2 to terrible pulls. gah!
[04:54] #momir #mtg: Round4: Won off 2x Benthic Behemoth. Managed to get around 20 minutes of sleep before that round, I’ll sneak in some more
[05:53] #momir #mtg Round5: Won game1 despite opponent having a 60/60 hamletback. Won game2 off my opponent’s 3rd turn Countryside Crusher
[07:07] #momir #mtg Final record: 3-3. Momir Basic: You should be thankful when your 7 drops don’t kill you as they ETB