All entries tagged software-development.
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Feb 2007
Jun 2006
Nice post on Salary Averages Comparison over at the Pinoy Tech Blog. It got me thinking about my own job. I work at a foreign-based software development company that caters to clients outside the country. These days, I work mostly on JSP-based web projects. My starting salary, three and a half years ago, was higher than the average presented in this graph. Obviously, I’m earning a lot more than that now.
May 2006
I always have a hard time assessing fellow developers. For one thing, I’m never sure whether it’s fair to apply to other people the same internal standard I have for myself. Some people might say, “of course it’s fair to expect as much from other people as yourself!”, but the fact is that I’m not even sure if I expect too much from myself. I may like to project and arrogant and prideful exterior, but I’m extremely self-critical.
So I was at work, and one of the HK guys asks me if we can have a themed button for the file input control in one of our screens. So, I’m all “alpha geek” and stuff, and I go: “No we can’t. We can’t style the ‘Browse’ button directly, and IE will throw an Access Denied error on submit if we invoke the click() method using Javascript.” But HK guy replies: “Gee, I wonder how GMail does it then.
Apr 2006
Feb 2006
Software development patterns wiki
Jan 2006
Today’s Dilbert takes the old programming truism to an extreme – “Users don’t know what they want.”
Yeah, I haven’t been posting lately. I still have a lot of thoughts running around my head, and often throughout the day I find myself thinking, “I should post an entry about this.” But at the end of the day, I’m tired and I’m exhausted from thinking about two hundred different issues and juggling twenty different priorities, so I don’t post about it. I note it somewhere and sooner or later it becomes irrelevant and I forget why I wanted to post it in the first place.
Dec 2005
So, my brother needed to present 20 java programs for school. He didn’t have to make them himself, he said. Just to print them out and submit them. (What kind of ridiculous compsci teacher asks for hardcopies of source instead of softcopies?) Anyway, I said, sure. I’ll make some, it’ll be easy. After all, trivial programs shouldn’t take me more than 5 minutes each right? It was true, each one didn’t take long.
Sep 2005
Sorry about the title. I couldn’t find any succinct way to put it. Anyway, yeah. I’m supposed to be trying to get a phone. People have been harassing me for years about the fact that I don’t have a phone. Since my vacation is already half-wasted already, I figure I’d go online and get some info on what phone I’d buy. Now, bear with me a bit, I’m really stupid when it comes to phones, since I’ve practically never owned one.
Aug 2005
The whole web developer thing was boring me for a while. But last week I got to help on some preliminary webpage design for one of the projects, so my interest in HTML/CSS/Javascript is a bit tweaked. (Hence the slightly updated stylesheet — try changing font sizes now.) Anyway, here’s some HTML/CSS trickery. I’ll add stuff here as I try them out. If you’re using IE, you wouldn’t appreciate it much.
Jun 2005
Some comments on the Yahoo webapps. The next/previous links on top of Yahoo mail messages are confusing. I’m not sure if they take me up or down the mail-list. Gmail is better, since it explicitly says “older” and “newer”; With Yahoo, I’m always wrong when I guess. After some experimenting, I figure it out. “Next” and “Previous” are based on the sort order in the list of messages. Since the default is sorted by date descending (newest first), “Next” corresponds to Yahoo’s “older” by default.
May 2005
A while back, inspired by the CSS Zen Garden, I modified my Blogger template to use entirely CSS-based design. That is, I can know update the layout instantly simply by replacing the stylesheet file used by template (like now!) The new layout uses up a wider screen space, but I think it’s neat. The lighter colors are easier on my tired, computer-strained eyes. Hopefully, this new CSS-based design allows me to do more experimentation and improve my ability to design web UIs.
Mar 2005
As it may mention in the page title, I’m currently screwing around with the blogger template, so this blog may look a bit… um… screwy for a while. I’ve been wanting to toy around with Javascript hacks to extend the Blogger template functionality. The first thing I did was add some Javascript that allows you to show/hide individual posts on the page. But actually, I don’t really like it, I’ll remove it later.
Jan 2005
Dec 2004
The Christmas season has been hellacious. Deadlines to catch up with at the start of the next year meant crunch time for most of the past two weeks. So, for my first blog post on my first rest day in a while, I’ll bring home some work. I have a problem with Excel. I’m writing a web app that generates HTML files which are exported to Excel. In most cases, it’s easy, I just follow the template generated by using Excel->File->Save As->HTML
Nov 2004
secretGeek via delicious
Oct 2004
Joel Spolsky, of Joel on Software, is collecting nominations for the best software related essays of 2004. A lot of them are interesting reads. Reading these essays make me realize that, well, I like being a coder, a programmer and a developer. (These are different things, figure it out :D)
I was bored. And I was going through the Sinfest archives. But then I thought, why should I bother going through these comics manually over the net? I’m a programmer, I’ll make a SinfestDownloader! I’ve left it running for about 4 hours now. There’s a lot of Sinfest strips… around 40MB worth have already been downloaded! I wonder if this violates any sort of copyright? … Update: Done in a little over 4.
I passed the JITSE.
Dec 2003
- (Edit 04-Feb-06: This is now a dead link. The image used to hold a google job ad on a billboard that was obviously aimed at developers.)
Oct 2003
Yesterday, at around 6 PM, as I was winding up the day’s work, we received a request from the user that they wanted some maintenance work done on one of the more obscure programs. And they needed it the next day! And we still had to have a meeting (we had originally scheduled the meeting for 3:00PM but had to keep pushing it due to stuff coming up) I wanted to reach out across the internet and slap whoever made the maintenance request on the head.
Jan 2003
How’s work you ask? It’s going pretty well actually. Everything’s still easy-peasy for me as I’m undergoing some training and stuff. I’m a bit worried about what happens after the training though, from the looks of it people put in a lot of overtime here. :( The best thing about the job is that I’m learning a lot of stuff. In two weeks I learned SQL, PL/SQL and Delphi. Starting tomorrow I’m gonna be training on Oracle Developer.