Roy Tang

Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart.

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Basically, we want to create a taglib that can possibly forward request execution to another page, similar to <jsp:forward />. How can we prevent the rest of the JSP page from executing from within the taglib?


explain more. it’s unclear now.

If you don’t want to continue processing the original page after passing control to another you are better off using a redirect rather than a forward.


This will redirect to the new page and stop processing the old one.

However - redirects are only usable if you have not written anything to the response body yet (i.e. not sent any data back to the client).

You shouldn’t be doing this in a taglib. Rather do it in a Servlet or Filter, before any bit is been sent to the response. Otherwise you will possible get into IllegalStateException: response already committed troubles.

For me the following lines worked quite well:

String url = "";

response.setHeader("Location", url);