We took the train ride to the top of the Eiffel, almost 300m above sea level. It was ridiculously cold at the top too, my hoodie was nowhere near enough
A display atop the tower showed the distance from different capital cities around the world, and the height of the highest building there, for comparison to the Eiffel. I have no idea what this Stratford Residences is though
Supposedly if you lie with your hand inside the mouth, you will lose your hand. I would have pretended to lose my hand, but the guy ahead of us in the queue already did that gag
The Hall of Battles was easily my favorite thing in the Chateau, I paid attention to each of the battles/paintings discussed by the audioguide. Typically, I have already forgotten most of the information, but I was well entertained
Nice headline @inquirerdotnet, not misleading at all #journalism #ham https://globalnation.inquirer.net/121913/indonesia-spares-veloso-executes-8-other-drug-convicts
DTK prerelease in Spanish! (@ Librería Gigamesh in Barcelona) https://www.swarmapp.com/roytang/checkin/550d5110498eea3210a699bc?s=Inhckyu2vIJuHp7D6G3rgHCwdxA&ref=tw
Finished 3rd/4-1 in the #mtgdtk prerelease, won some packs! Muchas gracias to the folks at Liberia Gigamesh in Barcelona!
DTK prerelease in Spanish! (@ Librería Gigamesh in Barcelona) https://www.swarmapp.com/roytang/checkin/550d5110498eea3210a699bc?s=Inhckyu2vIJuHp7D6G3rgHCwdxA&ref=tw
Finished 3rd/4-1 in the #mtgdtk prerelease, won some packs! Muchas gracias to the folks at Liberia Gigamesh in Barcelona!
Piazza de Popolo (or something like that) They had egyptian obelisks placed at major landmarks to guide pilgrims. At that time, Egypt was part of the Roman empire
30 years ago a crazy Australian man took a hammer to this sculpture and damaged it, so now they have it behind glass. I blame the glass for the blurry pic